Wednesday, June 30, 2010
DR Meeting tonight
Tonight we are having our last and final meeting before we leave, it will intense because we have to get one last thing planned before we go! So tonight for those students who are going on the DR trip meet here at 6pm @ cvmc and we should be done no later then 8pm. Remember to bring your passports so we can copy them and get copies to where they need to be.
I am wicked pumped to head out on this trip, please be praying students that are going, and parents that are here, and people who don't really have any connection besides you are just reading this! We need as much prayer as we can get. We need to continue to surrender this trip to the Lord. God is awesome and we are expecting some great things.
Can't wait to see you guys tonight. Hope to see you all tonight!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The Tuesday of Craziness
Oh well,
So last nights Junior High Bible study went awesome, we talked about creation, and asked some specific questions about the garden, and why God made what He made. It was pretty awesome. We got to draw and think about all sorts of things. God moves in amazing ways, especially through very creative 7th and 8th grade minds!
So today we are week away from going to the DR, and 6 days away from our Junior High heading out to Dayton Ohio! So please be praying for our students, and for the leaders going. God is going to be doing some amazing things.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Last week before we all leave
Tonight we are doing our 2nd night of our Junior high bible study at the cruises so please bring out your junior high students tonight, 7pm - 8pm at the Cruises House off of St Rd 15!
You should be there tonight so this is doesn't happen to you!
If you need a ride let me know! please email me at
These are the students and leaders going on the DR trip so if could pray for them!
Doug, Kristi, and Andrew Edlund
Ross and Andrew Jones
Raleigh Bontragor
Jessica Baylis
Noelle Miller
Emily Mann
Hailey Slaight
Gareth Matteson
Adam Sharp
Friday, June 25, 2010
Cici's Pizza and Bowling
Where:Meet at CVMC!
When: 6pm - 9pm
What to Bring: A friend, socks, and 5$
What were doing: Going to eat at Cici's Pizza, and then bowling.
We hope to see you all tonight, if you need a ride to the church please email me at
We hope to see all the new 7th grade students!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Friday Night!
This coming Friday Night we are going to be taking all the new 7th graders out on the Town!
Meet at the church at 6pm on Friday night, and we are going to be heading down to Cici's Pizza!
While we are there we are planning on breaking up into our small groups and eating together so we can get to know each other better. After some insane eating competitions, we are going to be heading down the street to Signature lanes bowling alley.
We will be back at 9pm, and the cost is 5$.
If you are planning on coming please email me at
We hope to see you all there!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Worship Pt 3
Meeting God in worship impels us to carry on the mission of Jesus in the world. Mission flows directly from the worship of the Church and the two cannot be severed. In her book Everyday Justice, Julie Clawson writes, “Worship doesn’t merely involve enacting the cultural rituals of worship or personal piety, but more importantly, it involves how we treat others. […] Following God in full obedience in as an act of worship, which means that acting justly is part of what it means to worship God.”
Living a life of true worship means feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, and visiting the sick and imprisoned. In fact, Jesus promises that when we do these things, we actually meet Him in the faces of those we love and serve (Matthew 25:31-46). Here mission and justice become worship.
Matt Redman addresses the connection and cyclical nature of worship and mission in his song “Mission’s Flame”:
“Let worship be the fuel for mission’s flame
We’re going with a passion for Your name
We’re going for we care about Your praise
Send us out
Let worship be the heart of mission’s aim
To see the nations recognize Your fame
‘Til every tribe and tongue voices Your praise
Send us out”
The first lines from each verse describe mission flowing from worship and mission flowing to worship. The aim of mission is God’s holistic restoration (physical, spiritual, emotional, socio-economic) so that all people can come into His transforming presence. In the bridge of Redman’s song, he describes the scene from Revelation 7: people from every tongue and tribe and nation will one day be clothed in white, gathered around the throne of God in worship.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Worship pt 2
In worship, we encounter not just a good feeling or a boldness for justice; we encounter the living person of Jesus Christ—the embodiment of perfect justice. In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus begins His public ministry by quoting Isaiah:
“[The Spirit of the Lord] has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed
To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” (Luke 4:18-19).
The good news Jesus is talking about is redemption for the whole of life: spiritual, physical, emotional, social, etc. Our attempts to fulfill this Gospel mission fall short unless we are being transformed more and more into the image of Jesus: “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree to another” (2 Corinthians 3:18).
In the presence of Jesus in worship, we behold His glory and realize that it is only He who can save us and our sinful world. We are transformed into a just community; we actually accomplish and enact justice. The injustices of this world are socioeconomic, political, systemic and individual, but first and foremost, they are spiritual realities (Ephesians 6:11-12). When we offer praise as a community, we enter into this spiritual conflict as we encounter God and participate in His holy mission to liberate the oppressed.
The start of something amazing!
So here is the low down.
Tonight 7-8pm.
At: Gene and Michelle Cruises House
56603 St. Rd. 15
Bristol, IN, 46507
What to Bring: Yourself, a friend, a bible, journal, pen, and a lot of energy!
What NOT to bring: IPod anything, unless you have an IPhone, and then in which case I will trade you phones, a bad attitude.
We hope to see you there tonight.
We have some students that need rides to this tonight, so if you are planning on being there please let me know if you are able to take other students with you. Email me at
Thanks Hope to see you all tonight
This one of my all time favorite video's hope you like it!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Worship pt 1
This summer is a season of transition for me, I have been working out almost everyday, drinking mostly water, I still have a coke in there, but mostly I am trying my best to quote and unquote get disciplined. In that I have found myself challenging my answers to alot of things, asking myself why do I believe what I believe and also why do I do what I do? Those are hard questions when you have done things for so long one way.
So in this season of my life, I am going to start my first blog series on Worship. They will short blogs on worship to get you thinking, and also for you to take time out of your summer to remember God, and be invited to move closer to Him.
So without further adieu, worship part 1
Worship is more than a song. But the song really matters, too.
Sometimes church feels like a surreal high school pep rally. The guy with the bullhorn (worship leader) pumps up the fans (congregation) to go out and win the big game (do the right thing, live missional lives, pursue justice, draw others to Christ, etc.). Like pep rallies, these worship services fulfill a particular, focused purpose: they are a means to a victorious end and preludes to the “real action” of life.
Do we worship to give us the emotional energy for the application part of our faith? Tim Hughes, a worship leader, writes in one of his choruses, “Keep us from just singing, move us into action.” While his message is important—that we are living lives of meaning and mission and not ones of stagnant faith that lacks deeds (James 2:14)—these lyrics could be misconstrued to assume “just singing,” just worshiping, isn’t as important as the action.
To be fair, the hierarchy of mission and worship is easily flipped for many Christians. These people are perfectly content going to church, worshiping and living without a greater awareness of our world, or even the neighbors around us. In The Dangerous Act of Worship, Mark Labberton says, “The crisis the church currently faces is that our individual and corporate worship do not produce the fruit of justice and righteousness that God seeks.”
But, if we rank mission over worship or worship over mission, we end up sabotaging both; worship and mission are equally and intrinsically linked. If worship is merely the thing that makes us feel good, feel “full” so we can go and do the important, active stuff, we lose. On the other hand, if mission is the thing that’s flippantly tacked onto our faith, we lose. Either way, our definitions of worship and mission are sickly and insufficient. We are missing the engaging, challenging, and courageous call of the Church to enact both.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
It's hot outside!
So tonight is the first Wednesday night we aren't having youth group for the summer, last week we had the Junior High bash, and the High school movie night. Tonight we have nothing going on! So take tonight and rest, or if you want to (and I would highly encourage this) read your bible tonight. Open your bible up and read the first chapter of Ephesians. It's a book and it can challenge the heck out of ya. So if you find yourself sitting around watching TV or something. Take about 30 minutes, read the 1st chapter of Ephesians and then take some prayer time!
Make sure you check out yesterdays post about the upcoming events!
I hope you all have a glorious day!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Upcoming summer events!
June 20th - High school Bible study at 1pm - 3pm
- We are going to be grilling out so bring your own meat to grill out with us, we will be studying spiritual formation and talking about how that directly applies to us in this summer. It will be great we will be starting soon after 2nd service so hopefully you can join us! Again thats High school only!
June 21st - Junior High Bible Study 7pm-8pm
- We are going to be heading over to the Cruises house for some fun and games, while we are learning about creation. It's going to be incredible so I hope to see all Junior high students there, new 7th graders are more then welcome to join our group.
June 25th - New 7th grade Pizza and bowling outing 6pm-9pm
- We are going to be meeting at the church at 6pm to head over to Cici's pizza, and then heading over to bowl at Signature lanes. This will be the night where you get to meet your small group leaders, and get to hang out as a small group and have a ton of fun. We will be having a pizza eating contest at cici's so bring your appetite! This cost 5$ per student. We will be dropping the students back off here at the church at 9pm!
Those are the events coming up this next couple weeks, I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far. Text me if you are bored and I can think of something for us to do!
Have an awesome day!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Summer is finally here!
Just a small reminder that we do not have Youth Group this Wednesday because of VBS this week, please be in prayer for our VBS workers, and volunteers. They have a massive undertaking this week with preaching the good news to a ton of little kids. This place looks amazing here so if you aren't helping this week please be in prayer they are in need of that.
All of our bible study's start next week. This Sunday is our HS bible study right after church at 1pm on Sunday, we will have a grill here to grill out, but you have to bring your own meat! So please make sure if you are coming to this that you bring your own meat!
Also then next Monday night we start our JH Bible study where we are going to be talking about creation and Abraham for the summer. I am so pumped for these studies! This will be at the cruises house and will start at 7pm, we will be done at 8pm!
I hope you all have a great day! Talk with you all later.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Whoop Whoop
That was the last event of our spring calendar. We now move to our summer schedule meaning starting on June 20th, we will begin our High school bible study at 1pm - 3pm where we will be grilling out. Bring your own meat, and talking about Spiritual formation. We will do that every Sunday afternoon! Unless we are out of the country :)
Starting on June 21st, we will be doing a Junior high bible study at 7pm - 8pm at the Cruises house if you need directions please contact me via email
We will be studying Genesis and creation. It's going to be really fun. We have some fun games planned and also some really cool take home things to do this summer with them. 6th grade students are invited to join us starting June 21st.
We do not have Wednesday night youth group until the first week of August because we have missions trips, and a lot of leaders will be traveling and getting married this summer. So we decided to take a couple weeks off to rest, and prepare for the fall.
I will still be updating this everyday like normal with different event times, and pictures so please keep up with the blog!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Drive in tonight!
It's such a good movie here is the movie trailer!
Hope to see you tonight!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Senior High Drive in
So this is the thing, it is supposed to rain tomorrow, and we can't have the projector outside, because of obvious reasons. So this is what we are doing tonight, my committee for the drive in arts are meeting and we are deciding if we want to chance the rain. If we decide to pull the movie inside it will still be really good because we have big screens and a digital sound system so it will still rock hardcore, but still its not a drive in. So please be looking on here and facebook for the latest updates on the drive in status!
Reminder to all Junior high parents and students going on the Junior high missions trip that this Sunday at 6pm we are having a meeting. come ready to hear every last detail for the trip! Its going to be amazing! So be there!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Junior High end of the year bash!
We have some exit questions we are going to ask the 8th grade/freshmen tonight. It will be really really fun, so come tonight with some friends! It's going to be a blast.
High school students, this coming Friday we are having a drive in movie night for you guys! It starts at 9pm so get here right at 9 to get your car in a good spot for the movie. Its going to be a really good time! It looks like rain right now but we will still watch the movie that night in the sanctuary on the big screen and awesome sound system!
So we are still on rain or shine. So come we have a ton of popcorn coming, we have some ladies bringing cookies and things, and you can bring some food if you want too :) So I hope that you guys can make it that night!
Junior High students I will see you tonight! High school students I will see you Friday Night!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Sorry for no update yesterday
So here is whats going on this week.
Tomorrow night is a Junior High only end of the year bash. The 8th graders/New freshmen can come to this because this will be the last thing they do before they move up to HS next week! So for those wondering, you guys can come tomorrow night!
Friday night, we are having a drive in and showing the movie "To save a life" its a great movie that is only in theaters right now. This event is for High school students only! We are planning on setting up everything outside, but as of right now its supposed to rain, so if that happens we will watch it inside on the projectors and eat a bunch of food! So High school students come this friday at 9pm to watch a great movie. Rain or Shine!
This will be our last Wednesday night activities until August, mainly because we need to recruit more leaders for the ministry, and give the leaders we have right now a break because they have worked so hard over this last year.
We have things still going on for all ages through out the summer here are somethings to look forward too:
1. Junior High bible study: This summer on Monday nights starting on June 21st, we are meeting at the cruises house for a bible study for only Junior high students. This includes the new 6th/7th graders coming up to the ministry.
2. High school Bible study: This summer after church on Sunday's. We are going to be bringing a grill over, and students can bring their own meat and we will grill it for them and then we are going to be studying spiritual formation.
3. 6th grade specific events: This year we are hoping to integrate the new 6th/7th grade students into the ministry. We have made 3 specific events this summer for them to get to know their small group leaders, and for them to get to know each other before heading into the ministry in August.
4. Junior High and Senior High mission trips: We are taking our students on 2 mission trips this summer, Junior high students are heading to Dayton, Ohio and the Senior High students are heading to the Dominican Republic.
So as you see there are lots of things for your students to still be involved in this summer, so please try to make it out to a couple of those things this summer, and also we will be calling up students, and small group leaders will be hanging out with students as well through out the summer. So I hope you guys have a great summer, please still be checking on here every day because I will still be updating on our various trips and posting pictures from our times out!
Hope to see you tomorrow night Junior High students, and on Friday High school students!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Lock in and last night
So last night was a fun night talking about legacy and looking at how the Seniors left a legacy for the students behind them. It was great to talk about how we are going to build are reputation as a youth group here in the community, and also some really cool events we want to do for this coming fall.
So Tomorrow night we have an all nighter where we are going to be heading down to Fort Wayne, so here is the schedule:
9:00pm: Doors open at Crystal Valley
9:15pm: Games
9:30pm: Worship
9:45pm: Justian Laib speaking
10:00pm: Pizza
10:30pm: Load up buses
10:35pm: Leave for Ft. Wayne
12:00am: Arrive at Crazy Pins Bowling alley
3:00am: Load up buses for Lazer X
3:15am: Arrive at Lazer X
6:00am: Load up buses for Middlebury
6:15am: Leave for Middlebury
8:00am: Arrive back at Crystal Valley
I hope that this helps you guys with the schedule and I hope you can all come! Its 20 bucks, when you show up!
Hope to see you all here!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Legacy Night
I am really looking forward to this night its going to be really fun! I hope you can all make it tonight.
Talk with you tonight at 6:30 - 8:30pm.
Remember everyone is invited tonight!
So bring a couple friends with ya!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Its June! WOW!
I know I am changing up my schedule a ton because I am starting to workout in the mornings now, I have a whole system that is set up, and if I break that I have self imposed sanctions I am going to place on myself. Its kinda hard core but ohh well it needs to happen. So be praying for your stressed out youth pastor!
This is probably the most busy week of all time for our youth ministry, we have a ton of things we have to do this week! So here is the run down!
Wednesday night: Senior Legacy night, this is the last normal youth group meeting till August. So try to make it.
Friday night: Lock in down in Fort Wayne! It's going to be awesome! Doors open at 9pm, we have music, games and a ton of things to do. so come with 20 bucks in hand, and a bunch of friends! We will back home around 8am!
Sunday morning: Pancake and Sausage DR fundraiser. Come at 8am to our fundraiser. It's going to be a great time so come early to church to get some deliciousness!
Sunday Night: DR team meeting @ Jefferson Brethern Church @ 6pm - 8pm. Those who are going on this, don't be late.
Then this is what the next week brings,
June 9th: Junior High Only Wednesday Night! End of the school Bash! Its going to stinking rock! So you need to bring a ton of friends to this Junior High students!
June 11th: Senior High only Drive in! We are turning the side of our building into a drive in. So come that night around 9pm, we will have food, and some bonfires out as we wait for it to get dark, and then we will start the movie. So High school students come and have a blast with us!
So as you can see these next 2 weeks we are having a lot going on, so please be praying for me and our team which has a lot to do.
Hope to see you here tomorrow!
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Blog Archive
- DR Meeting tonight
- The Tuesday of Craziness
- Last week before we all leave
- Cici's Pizza and Bowling
- Hope you guys can have an awesome day today! Take ...
- Friday Night!
- Worship Pt 3
- Worship pt 2
- The start of something amazing!
- Worship pt 1
- It's hot outside!
- Upcoming summer events!
- Summer is finally here!
- Whoop Whoop
- Drive in tonight!
- Senior High Drive in
- Junior High end of the year bash!
- Sorry for no update yesterday
- Lock in and last night
- Legacy Night
- Its June! WOW!
- DR Meeting tonight
- The Tuesday of Craziness
- Last week before we all leave
- Cici's Pizza and Bowling
- Hope you guys can have an awesome day today! Take ...
- Friday Night!
- Worship Pt 3
- Worship pt 2
- The start of something amazing!
- Worship pt 1
- It's hot outside!
- Upcoming summer events!
- Summer is finally here!
- Whoop Whoop
- Drive in tonight!
- Senior High Drive in
- Junior High end of the year bash!
- Sorry for no update yesterday
- Lock in and last night
- Legacy Night
- Its June! WOW!