Hey there everyone, we are in a new series called forgotten virtues. We are going to be talking about Loyalty this coming Wednesday, as I am sitting here praying and preparing for the message it brings me back to how we can need to be loyal to each other, but more importantly God.
We are going to be talking about how disloyalty begins with a divided heart. We can't love our stuff, and God at the same time. It doesn't work! We are going to discuss a very difficult verse in James 4:8-9. Tough verse I am dealing with today.
We hope to see you here this Wednesday night for some awesome games, great worship time, a special prayer time, and some great discussion on loyalty.
Here are a couple things you guys need to be aware of for the month of November.
1. 3dyc Registrations are all due this Wednesday night with Money!
2. There is no youth group on November 23rd! Enjoy time with your family preparing for Turkey day.
3. We are having small group outings on November 30th, because that is the first night of Pass it forward. That night the small group leader might want to take his/her group to work at pass it forward or they might go do something else, but the youth room/sanctuary will be in use for pass it forward.
Those are the main things coming up in November! I hope you guys have a great day!
4 years ago