This month was straight up craziness! We had 3 large events and then 3 regular Wednesday nights. Wow I can't believe we made it! We have had a great month with the Hay stack dinner, to the all nighter, to this Wednesday's Harvest Party! God is good, and we are so thankful for everyone who stuck with us this month and gave and gave and gave! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! The Youth staff to the Parents and to the youth for going on this Awesome Ride with us!
In November we are going to be having regular youth Wednesday nights for 3 weeks and then the last week of November we are not having youth group so we can all be with our families that night for Thanksgiving! MMMMMMM turkey!
Thank you everyone so much for everything you have given!
Please be in prayer for our youth. They are on the battlefield every single day in their schools, work, and sometimes even at home. Please Please Please be in prayer for our youth. Also if you could be praying for the youth staff we have a lot on our plates with so many students coming we want to have strength and wisdom to help and understand some of the students that join our ministry! Thank you again!
4 years ago