I am going to be teaching out of Luke 14 this Wednesday and I think its one of the coolest stories ever!
Christ is walking down the road with a bunch of people with him and He knows that some of their hearts are far away from Him and that they really are only there because He is doing miracles. So He calls them out (I love when Jesus calls people out, because its normally always straight to the heart) and tells them that if they don't hate their family and give everything up that they should pretty much go home because He only wants sold out Christians!
My jaw dropped! I loved it. It pretty much kicked me in my junk because man I need to live sold out for Christ Everyday! I need to be making choices in my life to be sold out for God.
He then goes on and tells us in story form for some of us who need stories to learn from (ME!)
He then talks about how back in the day they used to make towers in their vineyards so that they could look over and make sure no one is seeing them steal their harvest. So Jesus takes their culture and their stuff and tells them an amazing stuff using that. He says don't you laugh at the dude who builds like half a tower because he didn't plan first and count the cost?
He hits them again and says if a king would go into battle with out planning it out first He would get destroyed and we would look at that king and say " King.......Your a moron!"
Christ is telling us to count the cost when we make the decision to follow Him! He wants us to be sold out for Him. He wants us to be committed so 1) We can spend the rest of eternity with Him, and 2) He knows that we will look stupid to people if we start following Him, and then decide not to follow Him, then decide to follow, then fall away. People will start telling other people that we can't make up our minds and are stupid!
Jesus is giving us a swift kick to our face here, more powerful then then the mighty Chuck Norris.
Lets choose to be sold out for God today! Lets choose to count the cost of our commitment to Christ. God wants our all, and if isn't going to get our all. Then man He tells us that is a very Dangerous place to be!
Lets make the right decisions here!
4 years ago
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