So today is the day, 3dyc is coming to a close here in about 2 hours. We will start the process of heading home. We will hopefully be heading home by 11:30. I do not think we will be stopping on the way home but we might stop. My goal is to be home by 2:00 - 2:30. So if you could please be there by 2 I know there are a lot of really tired, and need to go home.
Please be in prayer for us as we travel and get all these things done and ready today. It has been an amazing trip and the students have had a great time! Thank you for keep us in your prayers these last 2 days.
Ok here is a cheat sheet from yesterday.
Senior high, The speaker brought up some amazing points of why God is the "I am".
I am the God that is next to you,
I am the God that is loving you
I am the God that wants the best for you!
Those statements still ring true today, and they will forever.
Here is your cheat sheet:
1. How did you like the song bombs and bridges?
2. How many hours did you sleep?
3. Did you join in the techno party?
4. When they were talking about I am what does that mean to you? Here is what it means to me.
5. What did you feel God was telling ya this weekend?
A great thing to do when they get home, is tell them you were praying for them and that you cant wait to sit and talk with them about it. Maybe take them out to starbucks tomorrow, or take them for some Taco Bell and just talk about what they have learned! Please take time to connect with your students from this I promise you it will blow you away if you take the time to ask the right questions.
Hope this helps.
I will have the Junior high cheat sheet in just a little bit. I have to go prep for the final service.
4 years ago
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