I am sitting here in Panera reading, and thinking. I loved seeing lots of you at lunch today. I hope to start coming over there more and seeing ya. It's been pretty busy lately, but now I think that has passed a little bit so I can make it over there over lunches sometimes.
So I am reading this book called simply Christian and I have read it before but it has just an amazing way to convey the amazingness of Christianity. One thing that I am picking up from this book now 2 years later is that Christ wants/does/desires to resonate in the same space as us. Meaning that everything we are Christ is the same. Everything we choose to do we choose to do for Christ. When we work out we claim that workout for Christ. When we talk to people we share the love the Christ has for us to them.
In the high school today I saw so many students there that just need love. I heard students swearing left and right, talking about sex, making out. It seems pretty scary, but if we claim Christ is in the same space we are, then we can do anything! "I can do all things in Christ"
In Phillipians 2:2 it states that " one in Spirit" Christ will be with us if we choose to let Him be.
We have to understand this when Christ has dropped us in the biggest ministry pool ever! Each and everyone of us has so many opportunities to choose life and not death. Not to laugh at that joke, not to take part in something that you isn't honoring God. I encourage all of you students who claim Crystal Valley as your youth group to take a stand become true Christian warriors! Take over this life that God has blessed you with. When our story and Christ story combine! It is an amazing experience. I hope that experience then will turn into a lifestyle for us!
4 years ago
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