Hey there everyone!
I hope you all had an awesome weekend, I spent my weekend in Minnesota at a Tandem Rally, and dressed mostly in biking Jersey's I know its a pretty picture! But we rode over a 150 miles this weekend on our bike and it was really fun :) Except I am really really sore :)
Ohh well
Tomorrow at Youth Group is going to be off the chain, we are going to be switching things up a bit tomorrow night because we have a special guest coming in to speak to us about Missions. Her name is Amanda Northrup and she goes to CVMC and she went to our youth group for just a little bit before she graduated and went down to Mexico. She is going to come in and share about her time in Mexico! So come tomorrow ready to hear about some really cool things about Mexico and some really cool upcoming missions possibilities.
Also tomorrow night we are going to be continuing on in our series on Anger, but we are going to be doing the message a little bit different and I think you will enjoy the way we are going to be doing things tomorrow! So come ready to have an awesome time tomorrow night!
Some Big things are coming so make sure you are there to get every last detail of information :)
Also this Sunday we kick off our new Sunday night high school next class. This first class will be kicked off with some worship and prayer time, and then we will talk about what we are going to be learning about and discussing! So high school students 6pm this Sunday night.
Also Parents: This is the last week for you guys to help donate items to our Student Auction please email me at cvmcadam@verizon.net to let me know the item you will be donating! It will help me out tremendously! Thank you.
Hope to see you all tomorrow!
4 years ago
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