So today I have been at the church from like 11am - and I will be here till almost 11pm tonight cleaning and getting things back in order but its all worth it because we got some really cool things happening here tonight!
We have about 60 youth workers coming to Crystal Valley tonight to learn from a great mind, Terry Linhart. He is a great communicator and he has some amazing thoughts on how youth ministry should be done and taught. He is a prof at Bethel in Mishawaka and just wrote a book called "Evangelism Remix" and its selling like Crazy. So tonight he is coming here to CVMC to teach. God has given me a heart to help other youth pastors who might not have had the schooling or even have to work another job while leading a youth group. So tonight is all about helping other people connect to students and love them as Jesus would love them.
So tonight if you think to pray for us here at CVMC that would be awesome. Also if you want to follow along with the teaching tonight I will be posting different stuff on Twitter you can follow along at adamsharp5!
I hope you have a great night, also see you tomorrow morning here at CVMC for Sunday morning worship! Talk with you later.
4 years ago
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