Hey everyone! I hope you are all having an amazing Friday. Today I am in my office because I was gone at the beginning of the week. So as many of you guys know Esther and I are moving some where here in Middlebury, because the house we were staying at was sold! Its a good thing, because the people we were renting from needed to sell it because they need to move into a house :) So its a good/great thing.
So this got me thinking. This coming May we are going to be diving into a series called Practical Atheism and the first topic we are going to tackle is prayer. Well as I am studying for this series, God drops a massive bomb on our plans with making us move. Well Esther and I are applying for a loan and looking at houses, and its a huge undertaking. But it has forced me to my knees, and honestly its a little weird. Mainly because for me I try to do things on my own and if things are getting to overwhelming for me then I will pray. But God is teaching me something very hard, and that is taking my prayers and praying with power and confidence that my God will come through.
For example, Esther and I have no idea how much we are going to be getting for a loan, but we do know that God has placed it on our hearts to use our house a refuge for students, so we know we need to be looking at houses with a little bit more space so we can house people and cook for them. So we are praying with confidence that God will provide a house, and provide a way for us to pay for it.
Its a really weird feeling with taking everything off of my shoulders and placing it at the foot of the Throne. I understand that God wants us to do that, I have even preached on this same topic before, but when you are thrust into the middle of a situation like this, its a lot more real then just thinking of when this happens we will spring into Spiritual pastor and wife team and fall to our knees and pray. When we are forced to our knees by our situation around us, it feels uneasy but in a weird way so safe because I know that God is working and I am excited for that!
So in loo of that I wish you a happy friday, and take some time this weekend to fall to your knee's and pray to the One who is working on your behalf!
4 years ago