Hey there everyone I hope you all had a good night last night at youth group, I had a blast watching everyone try to dodge the rolling balls, and then the dice game was really fun, watching people run in circles was hilarious! Great time last night.
I really enjoyed the time where we just took time to be still with God, I hope you guys enjoyed that as much as I did, because slowing down and just being with God is sometimes the best thing we can do. So at least for 15 mins last night you guys got to slow down, read your bible, and just be with God! That is awesome.
So last night I said I was going to blog about one of my new favorite shows called "undercover boss". Its a fantastic show where a CEO, or COO goes undercover and works with the common worker in their massive company. Its great they have to go from wearing suits everyday and they have to put the uniform on and get down dirty. They learn things about the company that isn't working, and they also learn some things they might not want to learn. Mainly people are unhappy sometimes with what the higher ups are doing, but mostly everyone they have showed loves their job and works hard at it. The best part about the show is when the CEO or COO reveals who they really are to the workers, and they normally reveal something they are going to change because of how hard they work. Its pretty cool.
So it got me thinking about Christ. What if Christ came down and worked with you, went to school with you, and you had no idea that was Christ. Then a month later Christ sits you down and reveals this is who He really is. What would He find in your life? Would He be proud of you for working hard for Him or would he be really sad because you aren't working that hard for Him?
In Phil 2:5 it talks about how Jesus Christ came down and lived with us, and died. He was the original undercover boss. He knows what it is like to hurt, to lose someone, to be frustrated with a friend. He understands all of that. So I hope you take some time to read Phil 2:5 today, and that you remember that Jesus said "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Remember that when you work hard and help others out you are doing it for Christ.
Have a great day!
4 years ago
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