Hey there everyone I hope things are going awesome for you already. I know for me I couldn't sleep that well last night so I was up at 4am thinking and praying for our students. It was a long night mainly because I couldn't fall asleep till well after Midnight so I am running on some coca-cola, and Christ this morning :)
Anyways, this coming Wednesday is the Finally to our Eyes wide open series and I hope you can join us, its going to be powerful because I know God has got some amazing things planned!
We are going to be answering hard questions about Jesus Christ. Like was Jesus God and man at the same time, and if so how is that possible, or If Jesus rose from the grave in 3 days, where was he those 3 days? Those are all great questions and we are going to try to tackle them as best as possible. So come on out Wednesday night at 6:30, and stay till 8:30 we will have some really funny minute to win it games this coming Wednesday and also some great worship and prayer time as well.
So come on out!
Finally I want to say one last thing, we understand as a youth ministry that this school year is going to be hard for some of you out there, there have been life changes in a lot of your lives, but please if it gets hard, get a hold of us, we want to help, we want to pray with you and come along side of you this year! So please don't bottle that stuff up come and talk to us about it. Any of leaders here at CVMC would love to sit and talk with you. We are already praying for you, and asking God to love you in extraordinary ways. We love you guys as a family!
Have a great week.
4 years ago
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