Hey there everyone I hope you are having a great day! I know I am still recovering from last night because it was so much fun. The winning team was the 7th grade men because they brought back a working mini crotch rocket. We also had 2 second place teams. The 7th and 8th grade girls got 2nd because they brought back a 27" TV with stand remote that work. And the Freshmen girls got 2nd place because Erin Weber brought the house down with her speech! It was awesome.
Last night was great we will try to take some pictures of what was brought back!
This coming Sunday night we are having our first High school Next Class which we are going to be talking about "Hearing the voice of God". It will be starting at 6pm. This class is highly discussion oriented and we will be talking about some cool stuff so if you are a high school student or you know a high school student who would like this class send them to CVMC on Sunday night at 6pm! Its going to be awesome.
I hope you all have an amazing day today!
4 years ago