Hey there everyone, I hope you are all having a wonderful Monday! I know my Monday is filled to the brim with craziness, but its good craziness.
So this coming Wednesday we have a packed youth group night for ya, We have some sweet games that our good Ted Graber and Wes Miller will be leading us in, and Worship Wednesday night is going to be totally different because of some things we have planned, so come out Wednesday night at 6:30 as we continue in our series "Backpack"
We are hitting the time of month where we are having a lot of things going down, so here is a little list of whats coming up:
1. This Friday is fireworks here at the church its going to be a great night to come over and watch the fireworks and hang out with your small groups. There will be food here and tons of other things to do so come on out at around 8pm (or come after the football game) and hang out with us.
2. September 24th is the movie night here at the Church! You should definitely come and watch a great movie with us that night! The movie is "To save a life" we have been showing previews every week at youth group and on Sunday morning so come and bring your parents if you want because all parents with youth group age students are allowed to come. And the best part is its FREE!
3. September 29th is our bigger and better night! We will be breaking into our small groups and heading out to different neighborhoods in Middlebury. We will arm you with a small paperclip and you will head to each house asking can you give me something bigger or better then this. After an hour or so you will have some pretty cool things! I can't wait to see what you guys come back with! 6:30 - 8:30, meet at the church and we will have all the transportation ready and waiting for ya!
Well I hope you all have a great Monday! We hope to see you on Wednesday night, praying for ya.
4 years ago
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