Hey there everyone I hope you are having a wonderful Monday, I know I am ready to hit the ground running after some time off with the thanksgiving holiday. Just a little reminder for this coming Wednesday night.
We don't have youth group this coming Wednesday night! Please contact your small group leaders and see what they have planned for you! If you are brand new and wanting to start hanging out with the youth group, please email me at cvmcadam@gmail.com and I will hook you up with some awesome small group leaders.
The reason we are off this Wednesday is because of the massive pass it forward free garage sale going on at the church! I can't wait to start helping people get winter clothes, and loving people like Christ loves them!
But on December 8th we return with all the awesomeness that comes with the CVMC Youth Group! Then on December 15th we have our big dirty Bingo night! So bring a friend, a 5$ wrapped gift, and a snack to share with others. The night is going to be stinking awesome. We will have tons of food that night, and then we will play a massive game of Bingo.
Hope to see you guys NEXT Wednesday night.
4 years ago