Last night we talked about being an activist of choice, everyone has a choice of where to spend their money, who to hang out with, and what to do with their time. We went global with our decisions first, with helping with fair trade coffee, rice, banana's, and lots of other products. Then we went local with our choices to party or not to party because of the lifestyle you are choosing to spend your time, then we went in your face of saying we have a choice to love Christ or to love ourselves.
It was a really fun night last night. We had probably one of the best games ever last night! Shooting oyster crackers out of someone's nose and into someone's mouth! Big shout out to Caleb and Graham Morris for accomplishing the goal and earning some Cash Money :)
Tomorrow morning we are leaving for Destination unknown at 8am, we will be updating where we are at, and I will be updating on here during our trip. So if you want to see pictures, check out my facebook, twitter, and here on the blogspot.
I hope you are having a great day! Can't wait till tomorrow.
4 years ago
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