Thursday, June 2, 2011

Powerful worship

Hey there everyone, man last night was awesome! From playing games in the lobby, and rocking out spoons, to then moving into a worshipful atmosphere where I believe we had students really press in towards Christ.

I really hope that you guys will come next week where we are going to grill out and talk with the seniors about their legacy and they are going to give some advice to those who are still in high school. So you don't want to miss out.

Also, Next Friday and Saturday (June 10-11th) we will be having out Hello Summer event! We are going to be raising money for Tiny Hands international I hope everyone will be able to join us. If you have any questions you are more then welcome to email me at

I hope and pray that people are going out and raising money. There are so many people we can help by just not eating for 30 hours. Lets step our game up, and lets connect to something to so much bigger than us!

If you want more information check out this post.

Have a great Day!


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