Hey there everyone. Here are a couple things you need to be aware of for this Week at the REFUGE!
1. Pancakes and Prayer - This Wednesday morning at 8am. Bring a friend if you want! We will have enough people to bring you to school so don't worry about getting over to school. We will leave at 8:45 to take students over to school.
2. Movie night this friday night! 8pm - 10pm, we will be showing a great movie! Despicable me. Oh man such a good movie. We will have popcorn for you, but you will need to bring your own drink! Last time we had a super fun time. We hope to see you there.
3. This coming Wednesday night we have some great things coming back.
- Impossible Shot
- Bracket Challenge
- We do this every year with the brackets, every small group will fill out the brackets for the NCAA tournament, and the winner will win a pizza party for their small group.
This wednesday we will also be talking about what happens when God seems to let you down. We will be digging into Joesph and his story. Joesph lived a pretty insane life, like his life was crazy, but yet He stuck with God through some really crazy times.
We hope you can join us this Wednesday night! I can't wait to play some awesome games with everyone, Worship loud and proud, and then be challenged by what the bible has to tell us.
Hope to see you there.
4 years ago
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