Saturday, May 26, 2012

Great small group leaders

I think our Small group leaders are honestly the best. I would put our team up against any other team in the nation. I saw a list of what makes a great small group leader and I took some of them and I came up with my own. As we end this years REFUGE, and we gear up for next year's schedule here is the top 10 list of what makes a great small group leader.

  1. Great small group leaders listen as much as they talk.
  2. Great small group leaders help reach new teens.
  3. Great small group leaders don't give up.
  4. Great small group leaders ask for help when they are not sure what to do.
  5. Great small group leaders show up consistently.
  6. Great small group leaders connect relationally.
  7. Great small group leaders point teens to Jesus and God's Word...not just their opinion.
  8. Great small group leaders set healthy boundaries.
  9. Great small group leaders help teens take their next step in following Jesus.
  10. Great small group leaders laugh often and trust God when nothing seems to be working.
Love my team, and I so thankful for great small group leaders.

Excited for where God is going to take us!


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