Anyways! Tomorrow is Wednesday which means a couple things happen
Raiders for Christ is tomorrow....Which Nate Hickox is speaking at so make sure you go and see him speak.
Also Wednesdays are good days to change your underwear.....I know I always do!
And last but not least its YOUTH GROUP!
I am excited as no get out for tomorrow night! So many awesome things are happening! We are going to watch a video re-caping 3dyc! Which is gonna be awesome! We are going to play one of the best games that we have ever played, and one that is ok! But the first one is awesome!
Also we get to rock out to some great Worship! I am just letting you know a Dance party might erupt at Crystal Valley! Also we are going to be talking about goals, and some amazing sweet awesome goals we can set for this year as a youth group, small group, and personal! We are going goal crazy this month!
Also Tomorrow is gonna be our first parents meeting at the church, so parents please come so we can talk about our vision for this year, our plan to execute this vision, and how you as parents can come along side and help in that vision. So please come and listen just for like 15 minutes! Its gonna be short and to the point because I do not want to waste your time!
I hope to see everyone tomorrow here! Remember we start at 6:30! So do NOT be late!
4 years ago
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