It is freezing outside! I honestly have never been in temps this cold this is insane!
Anyways please do not forget what we are doing this Sunday. We are going to be talking about your God stories and how you view God, and how God has shown up in your life.
This is really important because I want to go back to the basics of our faith, because I want to re-focus on why we come to a church and why even believe in what we believe in. And this also gives you a chance to ask the questions you might of had about God, that you might have been confused on you simply you just don't know. I know that when I was in high school I had so many questions, and even to this day I have so many questions about God. So this is a chance to ask those questions, and tell your story on what God means to you!
Also I have gotten lots of questions from people and so I have compiled them into the top 10. And I am going to be asking you those questions to see how you might answer them, and then we are going to discuss them together.
In about 2 weeks we are going to shift from our story to God's story and we are going to be working through the life of Jesus, and the different things He did and how that impacts our lives today!
So there are some really cool things to come in our Next class! Also on Wednesday we are going to be talking about making goals for our mind, and how that is huge battleground!
So come ready for next Wednesday because its going to be intense! See you all later. Stay warm today.
4 years ago
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