I contacted Mark Batterson's people through twitter, and asked if I could get an advanced copy of his new book and do a review on the blog for our parents and students to see. They said yes and about a week and half ago I got the new book at my office. So I started reading....
When I started reading this book, I was blown away that I honestly couldn't put the book down, and I get bored very easily with books, I have major ADD! But through out this book I kept underlining things to remember for later, and wrote notes by some specific phrases that jumped out at me hitting me between the eyes, and even some of the chapters I had to say out loud "You need to step up your faith".
This book is a great book for students, adults, pastors, and lay leaders to read because it challenges the way you think about God. Just yesterday my wife and I were in line to get a prescription and in most lines they were moving slow, I was off reading a magazine waiting on my wife and when she got back she was telling me how annoying this one person was. Normally, and hard to admit, I would just listen, but after reading this book, all I said was "it is easy to act as a Christian, but often times hard to re-act as a Christian". Mark talks about this concept after getting a not so happy email after a Sunday message. He talks about how he wants to send an email back to him or preach a message about damnation to this person, which I think is awesome, but after another email came in from that persons father it changed his whole perception around about the person who wrote the mean email. I know for me I am trying to re-act like a Christian and just say I am one and act like one when it is easy.
One other thing that I will mention is that through out the book Mark talks about experiencing God in a new way, and not just reading and hearing about the amazing God we serve! But placing ourselves in ways that we can see God move, I am a youth pastor in Indiana and we try every single day to allow kids to experience God in some amazing and new ways! We invite them to spend time with the Lord. Mark talks about this through out the entire book, He invites us as his readers to experience God through so many different avenues.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who in need of a shake up in their lives, and for those who might need a little bump to get started. God has worked through my life through this book, and I have renewed sense of passion to meditate on the Word, to give to those who are in need not just in my family, but those I see on the side of the road, and I have a new sense of wanting to learn so that I can love students, and people in general even better then before!
Thank you Mark for hearing the Holy Spirits calling to write this book, it has honestly drawn me back to the word of God, which is life changing in itself. Thank you for helping a small town youth pastor fall more in love with God!
Adam Sharp
4 years ago
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