Esther Sharp - Mindee Kelly, Alex Howe, Jessica Stoll
Charrell Stevens - Morgan Stahley, Erin Weber, Lexi Graber
Kristi Edlund - Jessica Baylis, Caitlyn Hooley, Dani Perks, Lizzie Woodworth
Jessica Johnston, Emily Mann, Hayley Slaight - Senior/Junior girls
Kristen Vaksvick - Kelsey Graber, Keianna Yoder, Marissa Robinson, Talyor Miller
Mandy Cripe - Vashti Neff, Shawnee Reigsecker, Megan Fedler
Adam Sharp - Austin reigsecker, Nick Bowe, Ben Miller, Quinn Nisley
Travis Robinson - Anothny Conrad, Joshua Cruise, Mitch Hickox, Zach Smucker
Nate Hickox - Jason Kelly, Spencer Jones, Christian Miller, Cody Miller
Ross Jones, Andrew Jones, Kyle Metcalfe, Gareth Matteson, Kevin Bahana Senior/Junior guys
Doug Edlund - Ryan Shamblen, Andrew Edlund, Dylan Wengard, Jordan Perks
Robby Rasbaugh - Steven hooley, Jake Baylis, Ian Fisher, James Weber
Andrew Gerig - Lucas Mast, Jordan Miller, Sam troyer, Colin Utley
* When we get to the hotel we will talk about room assignments, if you have any questions about room assignments, wait till we get to 3dyc to talk about them. I can't change anything here in middlebury only when we get to 3dyc can we change anything.
4 years ago
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