Hey there everyone, hope you are all having a glorious day so far. It was interesting, last night I was checking the weather for today and they were calling for freezing fog! I have lived here most of my life, and I have heard of fog, and I have heard of freezing rain, but freezing fog! Thats a new one for me. Kinda funny but makes things really slick so be careful out there this morning on the roads!
Anyways tomorrow night we are going to be continuing with our series on Faith, Hope and Love! And tomorrow night we are talking about Hope. Its amazing to me how difficult this topic is to discuss with people, and when prepping for this message, it was kind of a depressing issue. So people I talk to have no hope for anything. They have no job, kids are off the deep end, they have no money, they hate life, and so on. Then I talked with some people who did have hope but its so puny, its like their hope can be met with like going to a concert, or going on a vacation, or going somewhere but they are coming back to the same place! Is that hope? Going somewhere and then returning to the same place? We are going to be talking about Hope tomorrow night, and I promise you it will be an eye opener for ya if you come ready to encounter God!
We have got some fun games we are going to be playing tomorrow so come and laugh at people, and have a good laugh with some funny video's, but also come ready to experience God, I still hope you are praying for the youth group!
Here are somethings for you to keep praying about!
1. That students, and leaders would have an unquenchable passion to connect with Jesus!
2. For the people in Haiti!
3. For the CVMC Youth Group to encounter God in a new way tomorrow night!
I can't wait to see you tomorrow night! Unite as one! Fight as one! Pray as one! Lets worship as one tomorrow night!
4 years ago
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