So last night was one of those great youth group nights where you can always look back and say "man do you remember that one night where God really showed up" That was last night at the CVMC youth group. God showed up and is starting to bring our youth group together as 1.
Last night we committed to fight together, live together, love together, cry together, have tons of fun together, but most importantly run as fast as we can to Christ together. We set a goal last night that every single Wednesday night we walk out a little bit different then when we walked in. We will hopefully be a little bit closer to Christ!
We gave a challenge to the students to take a piece of paper that said unity on it, and for the next 25 days pray for the youth group, and bring that piece of paper to youth group symbolizing that we are united and we are thinking of each other.
So for those students who are wanting to pray for the youth group here are some ideas:
1. Pray for an awakening of the Holy Spirit in our youth group!
2. Pray for your small group leader.
3. Pray for students you might want to invite to youth group. Pray that God will give you favor with them when you talk with them about Youth Group stuff.
Start with those and lets get this started! God wants to explode this youth group into a revival and I believe it can happen but it all starts with prayer, and sacrifice!
I am excited to see where God takes this!
4 years ago
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