Hey there everyone! I hope you are all having a stinking awesome day so far. My day started off early with a meeting at the Essenhaus for some breakfast with some awesome students who are helping me put together a High school drive in. Its going to be stinking awesome
So High school students, June 11th, at 9:00pm we are going to be having a drive in here at CVMC, we are going to be watching How to save a life, which is just an awesome movie, so come out that night bring a friend and sit and watch the movie just like a real drive in. Its going to be amazing. We will have popcorn and cookies, and some drinks out there for people to enjoy. This is only for high school students only. Sorry Junior high kids! IF you don't have a car thats cool, we have a place right up front for those who want to sit in a lawn chair and watch the movie too, so have your parents drop you off and come and hang out for a little bit.
Also parents if you want to come and help us that night as volunteers please email me at cvmcadam@verizon.net We will have a ton of students out here that night and we will need some assistance with parking, food, and crowd control. So I hope to see you here that night.
Alright, last night was stinking awesome. I love when I can just share my heart with you guys about stuff that really hits home. I hope you guys have pinto beans in your shoes today to remind you of your strong holds in your life. Hopefully you will see that enough wear and tear on the pinto bean that the bean will break, just like if you let God work on your life the strong holds will break apart and you are set free!
I am excited to see what God is going to do this summer through our trips and our time together! I hope to see you all next week as we honor our seniors!
4 years ago
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