Hey there everyone, sorry I didn't get to update yesterday my day was full of a bunch of different things going on! So I am updating now while I am working on some emails.
So Wednesday night was an awesome night, we broke down what it meant to live a life as a Christ follower, and then what it meant to live a life as an atheist. We wrote them down on a white board and talked about how when we live our lives demanding an explanation. Meaning, if someone was to look at your life would they have to ask why you did certain things because they just don't make sense to people because you are living a life following after Jesus or would they not have to ask because you are living just like everyone else.
We finished up the message portion with a passage from Matthew 13 where a man finds a treasure in a field and he goes back home and gives everything away to get that field, I asked this question to the students. Is God a nice thought in your head or is He the treasure that you are seeking?
We had a time of prayer at the end of the service where student could pray with leaders and a time where they could get a lone with God! It was a pretty powerful night.
I hope you guys have a great weekend, I know I will, I am playing a golf scramble with the Edlunds and we are going to dominate this coming Saturday morning!
Talk with you all Later!
4 years ago
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