Hey there everyone, wow it seems like so much has gone on that its hard to explain it all in one blog post but I will try :)
Everyone is safe, mostly bug bitten but really good. The weather is amazing, it gets up in the 90's in the day and then down in the 70s at night. Let me tell you the 70's are amazing :)
Today we spent a lot of time with students of all ages from the town. The place we are staying at has a ton of acres here in the mountains. they have a soccer field, basketball court, baseball area, and then a bunch of house where the students and teachers stay. Its a great place to bring kids to play sports, and minister.
The students of Crystal Valley are amazing. They are painting kids faces, playing sports and just trying to talk with the kids. Noelle found a goat she liked today and named it Henry, Raleigh took part in a skit today during VBS, Andrew Jones had kids latched to him the whole time, Ross was helping students draw on the sidewalk with chalk, Emily had little boys in arms swinging them around, hayley was doing great with the little kids and helping them getting their face painted, Gareth took part in playing soccer today and did amazing! Our kids are hard at work its been great.
Tomorrow morning we head up to a town called Boma, we are going to repair a road, help a person who has Hep B, and then repair a bridge. It will be a long day, then after that we are doing VBS with real little kids tomorrow afternoon. Pray for this trip because we will be going up in the mountains where they have 1 road and we have to repair it before we can drive on it.
I will not be able to update tomorrow because they have no internet up in Boma but on Saturday night I will be able too. Keep up with my updates on my facebook page, or you can get them right here on this page on the right hand side.
Tonight the girls are doing Youth Group for the girls at the school, so pray for them. There are around 15 girls that are currently at the school we are staying at all in High school. So please pray that God moves in that time.
I will be getting some pictures uploaded tonight, I hope after the girls youth group time, so check back here for some pictures later tonight!
We are all doing very good here! But please keep praying! We need it a lot still.
4 years ago
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