Hey there everyone, I hope you are all having an amazing day!
The youth group has had some crazy times but this past week with 2 mission trips and some other events coming up you might feel a little left out. So let me catch you up a little bit
Junior High Missions trip - The Junior High trip consisted of a great group of students heading over to Dayton OH, they spent their time helping different organizations and food kitchens, also did a prayer walk and prayed for each other. They had a great time bonding with one another and then also connecting with God!
High school Missions trip - The High school Missions trip went to the Domincan Republic where they were based out of Jarbacoa at alternative school for American kids. During that week they got to help run VBS, play soccer and baseball, and love on kids who have a very hard life. Also the spent 2 days up in a mountian city called boma. They repaired a road from a mudslide, dug out a ditch for water to run down, and then spent time taking medicine to people who can't get their own medicine. It was a great time to connect with God in a new way, all of our students had an amazing time slowing down and just listening and being with God while they were the hands and feet of Jesus Christ.
Both trips were massive successes, God is doing alot in the ministry, and we are excited for this coming fall to see what He is going to be doing.
Continue to check here for announcements on upcoming events!
This Sunday for HS only is a time to hang out at Wes and Sheila Millers house from 4-8. Bring your suit if you want to swim, and bring a 2 liter of pop. We will be grilling out, playing domino's, playing some other games as well. They have ping pong, 360, and some other board games. If you want to bring some other games do it! We will spending some time in worship and in prayer that night as well. Come and hang out with us this Sunday July 18th!
July 23rd - Junior High only Pool Party at Gene and Michelle Cruises house! We will be hanging out from 4-8 and grilling out that night. What you need to bring is a 2 liter of Pop, and a bunch of friends! We are having this event rain or shine. If it rains we will be moving inside and watching a movie and playing games. So come ready to hang out and have a ton of fun with friends. Girls please 1 piece bathing suits only, and guys no speedos. I know our swimmers might now like me but to bad! NO SPEEDO'S
July 19th - Junior High bible study at the church, this night we will be doing some worship with our bible study so we are going to meeting here at the church, we will be playing some games, and having a really good time! This event is from 7-8pm, at the church. Hope to see you there!
Lots of things going on in the youth group hope you can get connected with. Have a great day today!
4 years ago
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