Hey there everyone, I hope things are going well for you on your first day out of school.
I remember when I was in High school and Junior High and after today everything gets boring until Christmas eve and Christmas is fun in the morning and possibly afternoon when you hit your 2nd Christmas, but lets be honest most of the time you will be some what bored!
But that is why I am here my friends, your loving youth pastor has come up with a couple things to help pass the time during this Christmas break! Some you will laugh at and some you will not want to do, but if you do them, you will be thankful afterwards!
So here we go:
1. Organize your room (if its already organized, change something)
2. REST! - You guys go and go and go. So take some time to rest this break and give yourself permission to sleep in and take some naps.
3. Call up some friends, and go and do something outside the house. Now I understand for Junior High students this is a little harder to do, but try to get something together with your friends! Make some memories by going out and having fun!
4. Get a work out in, if you have a treadmill or a stationary bike get a work out in, You will be amazed at how much energy you get when you work out!
5. Play some video games!
6. Watch a good movie (notice how I said GOOD!) - And don't watch a movie with your boyfriend/girlfriend when your parents are working. Let's be honest we all know that is a bad idea!
7. Make something! - Seriously build something like a cubby for storage or build an area for your PS3 or Xbox 360. Do something constructive.
8. Read a book! Take some time and read this break. If you can't think of anything to read, Read Luke this Christmas its a great account of the Christmas story.
9. Make a top 10 goal list for 2011. Then put it somewhere where you will see it and you will be reminded of them continuously.
10. Take some time to pray for your family and friends. This is a cool little thing to do, during Christmas break you will see a lot of people make it a point to think through the people you will see and pray for those people before you see them. Its a pretty cool thing to talk with them and know you have prayed over them today.
Hope things this Christmas break go well for ya. I will be around all Christmas break so text me and I will let ya know whats going on!
Remember on Dec 28th we are doing a Destination unknown: LUNCH! So look friend me on facebook or follow me on twitter at AdamSharp5 to get clues on where we are going that day.
4 years ago
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