Hey there everyone, we finally don't have snow falling from the heavens and I am so thankful. So I am gonna give you a little in sight to my life. Last night I went home and all my stuff, furniture, storage units, chairs, books, honestly everything was moved into my kitchen. We are getting new carpet as I am writing this, so last night Adam Herbster, Esther and I ripped up the old carpet and padding and threw it outside. Then all 3 of us went and worked out, and as I am working out I pull a muscle in my side. And on top of all this craziness that is going on. I lost my cell phone! So this has been a stinky past 24 hours.
Oh well enough about myself,
Tonight we have formal youth group for the first since Thanksgiving! Man I can't wait for tonight.
So here is the skinny on tonight's youth group:
1. We start at 6:30pm so come a little bit early and play some video games with us.
2. We will be done at 8:30pm.
3. We are going to be giving you the down low on the Party next Week!
4. We are going to be talking about selfishness tonight so come and here some stupid stories from your youth pastor stinking it up at being a Christian in this area of his life.
5. We are going to have as much fun as allowed in the middlebury constitution!
We hope to see you tonight!
4 years ago
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