Hey there everyone! I was super unhappy when we had to cancel last night, but our parking lot wasn't even plowed till this morning because the guys were so swamped so even if we wanted to have it we couldn't! So here are a couple things we were going to be talking about last night!
1. For those going on the Big Chill we have a detailed packing list for you! We will upload that here to the blogspot later today. So look for that.
2. We are going to be doing a service project up in Mears Michigan. We need each of you to bring a couple cans of food, because there is a food pantry up by our camp that is low on food, and we want to surprise them with a ton of food! So we have set up a time with them up there Saturday morning where we are going to head over there with everyone, and give them just a ton of food! Its going to be amazing to be able to bless people who are serving Christ every single day. So bring some cans with you. More the merrier we want to bless the socks of these people!
3. Just another reminder that we don't have High School NEXT class this Sunday night because of the super bowl. Go and hang out with Friends and show them by your actions that you love Christ!
4. Feb 20th is going to be a huge night! We are going to be having a relationship and sex Q and A with my wife and I. That night when you show up we will give you a number to text so you can ask your questions we will answer as many as we can. This will start at 6pm and go to 7pm. This night is entirely up to you how well it goes. We want to give you a platform to ask open and honest questions so take advantage of this time. Bring a couple friends with you as well. We are only going to be answer questions you ask. So if you have friends that have question about Relationships or Sex bring them.
5. If you still have permissions slips or money you need/want to turn in for Big Chill please do it by Sunday. We need to make sure we get them a solid number that is coming. So we have enough food for everyone :)
Have an awesome day I hope you guys all have a great day today. I know I swamped with work so I will be at the church today working on things so please if you have any questions come on over and we can hang out a little bit and maybe you can help get somethings done around here :)
See you later.
4 years ago
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