Hey there everyone! I hope you are all having a super awesome day off school! Thank you presidents for helping us get a day off of school.
A couple things you will need to know about this coming Wednesday night.
1. This coming Wednesday night is our purity Ceremony! It is our 4th purity ceremony that we are doing and each one has been awesome. This year we are going to be doing something a little bit different but you have to come Wednesday night to find out what its all about.
2. If you are coming this Wednesday night bring a dessert to share with people. We are asking everyone, even leaders and youth pastors, to bring a dessert to share with people. It doesn't have to the nicest pie ever but please bring something to share with people. We want to have a time of hanging out afterward so people can talk and meet their small group leaders, and the people that hang out every Wednesday night. So come prepared to have an awesome time!
This coming Sunday morning we are having a comedian come and speak and the youth worship team is doing worship this Sunday morning so come on out and support the youth worship team by singing loud because we are doing songs that we do on Wednesday nights.
Hope to see you here Wednesday night and Sunday morning!
4 years ago
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