Hey there everyone, I hope things are going well for ya today. I know for me I have a long day ahead of me and I am already tired. Is that bad?
Oh well!
On to the important things of the day.
1. Tomorrow nights youth group is going to be so stinking awesome. We have a new game we are going to unveil! We have some awesome worship planned, and then we get to talk about depression! SUPER FUN :) No, but we really are talking about depression because Elijah went into a deep depression in 1st King 19, and that's what we are going to be looking at tomorrow night.
2. Small Group outings are next week~! So please make sure you know where you are going, please ask your small group leader tonight for all the details! I will also be posting all where all the small groups are going on the blogspot next Wednesday so just in case you forget!
3. Urban plunge and Student Leadership forms are due the week after Spring Break. So if you want to go on the Junior high missions trip or you want to apply for our student leadership please make sure you pick up an application Wednesday night!
I hope to see you guys tomorrow night! Praying for you guys today. Tomorrow night can be a life changing event, so who are you going to invite to come out to youth group?
4 years ago
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