Hey there everyone, I hope your Thursday is going well! I know mine started early and will end late tonight. But at least today I can have caffeine since we were fasting from it yesterday. But I didn't think our fast all the way through, I normally on the first day of the NCAA tournament, I get taco bell and sit and watch the tourny but today we are fasting from Junk food so I think I have to find a salad or something healthy and watch basketball. STINK! Oh well tomorrow I am hanging with some students and we are doing a 100 nugget challenge from Mcdonalds so I am going to get my full junk food intake!
So last night was super powerful, I love getting to walk back through the sanctuary last night and look at all the prayer requests, and then get to see all the hand prints over them to see how many times they were prayed over! So cool, we are hopefully going to leave them up over the week and next Wednesday we will get to see how many of those prayer requests got answered by God!
For those who missed out last night, here are the 4 ways to make prayer effective!
1. Humble yourself
2. Pray specific prayers.
3. Be persistent in your prayers
4. Be expectant in your prayers
When you combine those 4 things to your prayer life, God can do some amazing things in your life!
We hope to see you next week as we end our Elijah series!
4 years ago
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