Hey there everyone, I hope your Thursday is going great. Mine started off awesome with sleeping in a little. The past week has been a killer with getting home around 8pm each night. Tonight we have our Maundy Thursday meal, tomorrow night we have some students coming to our house for a meal, and then Easter services.
This week is so awesome, because we get to remember what our Lord did for us on the Cross! That is what we talked about last night in moving away from the darkness and into the light. Walking away from your crappy past and moving into a great future with Christ.
I believe we have so much to learn from Moses that I am thinking this fall we are going to do a whole month on just the life of Moses. He struggled with his flaws and faults to the point where God just yelled at him GO!
I believe a lot of us are at that point of God yelling for us to GO! Leave the past behind and move into a future with Christ, yes it will hurt, yes it will be hard, yes you will lose friends over it, but in the end your life will wrapped up with what God has for you, and I promise you that is way better than any friday or Saturday night party!
God is doing some amazing things here at the CVMC youth group. We hope you can check it out next Wednesday night!
If you guys want to join our Maundy thursday service tonight its at 6:30 right here at CVMC. If you have any questions, call the office at 574-825-0104.
Hope to see you here for Easter as well. Our services for that are 8:45, 10:00, and 11:15. Hope to see you there.
4 years ago
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