Hey there everyone, I hope things are going well for ya today. I know for me this week is a great week, but an extremely busy one.
This week I am reminded that we are bought with a price. We aren't our own, and we need to understand that our lives have a calling on them and we have been commissioned to spread the good news of Christ to everyone we come into contact with.
I believe the best way to spread the word of God is to first to have a relationship with Christ. We can't tell people about God until we have experienced Him and His perfect love.
This Wednesday we are going to talking about lies that we believe about our identity. Our common enemy tries to tell you a ton of lies and tries to get you to believe them. One lie that we have a real issue with is believing that our past controls our future. We can't forget that even thought we might have screwed up in the past, the doesn't mean the future needs to be the same. Christ died for you! We are complete in Christ.
Check out this video about being bought with a price, and how important it is to remember that.
4 years ago
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