Here are a couple things you need to know for tonight to be the best night:
1. Dress warm! Make sure you come ready to take on the elements, We are going to be heading out because it is not going to be thunder storming! Bring an umbrella.
2. Invite your friends. This is a time where you can invite your friends and have them come have a ton of fun! This is a great way for them to connect to our small group leaders, and see that Christians can have a ton of fun!
3. We have 2 contests going on tonight, obviously Bigger and Better, and a scavenger hunt for the food pantry. So you have 2 chances to win a pizza party for your small group next week!
4. Come ready to have a ton of fun! Tonight is a great night, yeah its going to be a little rainy but still you can have a great time gathering things for people for pass it forward, and the food pantry.
We hope to see you all here tonight! Be here right at 6:30, because we will leaving as close to 6:30 as possible. We want you guys to have as much time as possible!
Hope to see you all tonight!
4 years ago
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