Man if you missed last nights youth group, you missed a good one! There was one part in all the craziness of a great worship time, where THEE Sheila miller stepped up to the Mic, and delivered one of the most powerful prayers I have heard in a long time.
She prayed the armor of God over our students, her prayer was filled with passion, love, and encouragement. I honestly believe God is going to do some great things through that prayer. Our students received it and then continued to worship. I hope that last night meant a lot to all the students as it did to me.
Last night we also talked about compromise, and how we are never called to compromise ourselves for another person, or a sexual act.
"Don't settle for a cheeseburger, when you can have a steak!"
We finished the night talking about being extremely different in our dating. I challenged the students to pursue after Christ with everything they have, and not settle for Mr. or Mrs. Right now, and wait for Mr. and Mrs. Right.
Last night was a great night, and I am super pumped for next week when we have our Junior high night, Battle of the Sexes! Get excited people!
Junior high students invite everyone you know! Because you do not want to miss next week I promise you!
Hope to see you then!
4 years ago
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