Hey there everyone, Welcome to Thursday. I hope its a great one for ya!
I know there are a lot of things going on in lots of people's lives right now, and I know some are painful. I want to speak (type) life into your circumstance.
God is powerful, amazing, and wonderful. He wants to be close to you and wants to comfort the pain and the confusion. Don't hide anymore! Quit running the opposite way from what He is calling you to. You know exactly what He is wanting you to quit, give up, change, and destroy, but you keep holding on to the world. The world will give you nothing but pain, and hollow happiness. If you want to be satisfied, and feel something you haven't felt in a long time. Seek out Christ. Don't just sit and open your bible, but sit and BE with God. That might be hard at first, but slow and surely it will get easier and easier. Start tearing down the walls that you have built up over the years. Don't be scared if you fail, but brush yourself off and keep running toward the God who created and LOVES YOU!
Don't settle for alight, be strive for excellence. Don't accept anything less from yourself, and help others strive towards excellence. Do the same with your relationship with Christ. Don't settle for it being ok, but strive, strain, and stretch yourself to new heights in your relationship with Christ.
I know you can do it students!
4 years ago
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