Hey there everyone, I hope things are going awesome for you. I know last night was a ton of fun, and lots of people got cookies thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Reigsecker! They were delicious.
Last night we talked about being spiritually inconsistent, and having an honest look at where we are at with our relationship with Christ. We broke down Col 3. Where it talks about putting on the new nature of Christ. We looked at what it means to be clothed in Christ, and to be made new once again.
We also talked about being numb to the Spirit of God, and being so entangled in sin we didn't know which way was up or down. This hit home with a lot of students because many of them didn't know when the last time they actually felt close to God. We got to talk to alot of students who want to renew their relationship with Christ and really start digging into scripture.
I am super excited to see where God is going to take these students, and what He is going to do in and through them. I believe God can do some amazing things through teenagers and I believe wholeheartedly that God is going to use these students in amazing ways!
To God be the glory!
4 years ago
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