Hey there everyone I don't have much time to update today, but I just want to remind people to keep working on your goals for this year! Remember 2 weeks ago when you all made goals? How are they doing? Have you already forgot about them?
Please do not forget about them. Keep working on them, get someone to help you reach your goals! Your small group leader, and I would love to help you reach those goals. So keep it up.
Also remember we are wanting to chip away at the foundation we might of set on this culture of dating. We need to start setting our foundation of dating on Christ. Remember the airplane story, God might be calling us back down from flying solo, so we can just sit on the ground and learn for a little while before we go back out and fly!
Keep pressing forward my brothers and sisters in Christ! We love you all and pray for you all. Keep working at it. Remember it might take a little bit to see change, but keep taking one step forward. Remember choosing wisdom starts with a choice!
Keep choosing to listen to the Wisdom of God!
See you all Sunday!
P. A.
4 years ago
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