Hey there everyone! I hope things are going awesome for you all today. I hope all of you got a chance to listen to the song that I posted yesterday because it is an amazing song.
I got to speak last night at a friends church, and one thing I was challenging their students to is to release everything over to God. When we have true surrender of our lives to Christ, and we put Him on the decision making stool we need to make sure that we let Him be there. I know that we have talked alot about this and I know some of you might be getting sick and tired of hearing this, but I believe it is so important. Keep placing yourself in way so that you can hear God. The only way to do that is to be continually releasing things to Christ, and saying with a pure heart "God I only want to do what you want me to do" When we set God up as #1 in our lives its amazing the things that crumble off us. The things that once hindered us from Worshiping on Wednesday night or Sunday morning fall down by our feet and we are able to hear God and become obedient to what He wants in our lives.
I do not understand people who think they can do it on their own. I honestly can't. When people talk to me and say I am going to do this with my life because I want to. I am thinking in my head wow I really hope God wants you to do that because if not, you are going to be fighting and fighting and fighting. When we step into His light and we offer ourselves as a living sacrifice. Then things in our lives start to work like it should. So stop fighting God for control!!! Stop Fighting God for what He wants more then anything. Allow God to come in and bless you and do surgery on the things that need to be cut out.
I cant wait to see you all on Wednesday and we talk more about this, and we talk about allowing God to take total control.
Please remember to bring a dessert. Students please make sure if you want to bring a dessert do it! Just contact me first. See you all Tomorrow!
4 years ago
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