I am not a fan of snow because as you all know I enjoy wearing the flippity floppities, and when it is snowing I can not wear them because then my feets are cold. Boo on the snow bring on spring~!
Ohh well, hey guys tomorrow for next class we are going to be discussion Jesus life some more, and we are going to be going over the passage Matthew 19. Where Jesus is talking about the rich young ruler. Its a pretty cool lesson we can learn from and believe it or not its not all about money! So come ready to learn and discuss some pretty fun things.
Also please be in prayer for this coming Wednesday for the purity ceremony, this is going to be an amazing night so please mark it on your calendars, and also for those who signed up for desserts please remember to bring them so we can all partake in the deliciousness together!
Hope to see a lot of you tomorrow.
4 years ago
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