I hope you all had an amazing week of Spring break but I am sorry to tell you that its almost over! But that's ok because that means you are in the home stretch for summer vacation! Whoop Whoop!
So this coming Sunday is Easter and we are having 3 services here at Crystal Valley. 8:30, 9:45, 11:00.
We are having Next class at 9:45! We are going to be talking about what the cross means to us and how people in the 1st century viewed the cross. Also we will be reading through the account of Jesus death and resurrection during that time. So come and be prepared to listen and discuss things maybe we haven't noticed before or things we might have forgotten. God has some amazing things in store for us this coming Sunday. Come and be a part of it.
Also we still have some spots available for our whitewater rafting trip. I need to get everything reserved here soon so please if you are wanting to go with us talk to me. You have to be 16 years or older to go. The days we will be gone is from July 13th - 17th. We have a couple more spots so please talk to me so we can get everything squared away!
Have an amazing Good Friday!
This is from a blog I found I think it is brilliant. Take some time today and really pray about what God might have in store for you this Easter Season!
This thought keeps going through my mind today: I am Barabbas.
Imagine what that Friday must have been like for him. He was sitting in a jail cell awaiting his execution. He knew it was the last day of his life. It was the end. There was no hope. Then he hears the crowd chanting his name and the next thing he knows he's a free man. The charges are dropped. His life that was almost over starts over. And a sinless man named Jesus literally takes his place. He expected to die. He deserved to die. But his execution, in the sovereign plan of God, was scheduled on the same day Jesus was arrested.
If ever there was a picture of II Corinthians 5:21 this is it: "God made him who knew no sin to become sin for us."
I am Barabbas.
4 years ago
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