Tonight is the night it is all going down!
Youth Group tonight at 6:30! Do not be late we have a COUPLE funny movies to show you tonight, its going to be hilarious. Also we have awesome games to play. For those who like Techno tonight is the night for you! (Jones Men, Quinn, 6th Grade men, High school ladies)
I promise that tonight will rock your socks off.
Remember that tonight you need to bring 3 things with you!
1. A bible. - Your own bible so you mark in it!
2. A Pen - To Mark in your bible and to write in your......
3. Journal/ folder - to take notes so you can remember what we talked about!
Bring those 3 things tonight and you will be set for an exceptional Youth Group time.
Also tonight before you come take some time to prayer for your time tonight with God! God has some amazing things He wants to tell us. I also believe that alot of us need to hear this message tonight (including me, I am way far away from perfect) so tonight before you come lets take some time to pray and get our hearts open and ready for God to come!
Also make sure you tell your friends to check this site! We want everyone to read this before they come tonight so make sure that after you read this text a friend who comes to youth group!
For the parents: Again we are still trying to get the message up on here but we are still having issues with the files being too large for Blogger to hold. I am looking at seeing if I can down load them to youtube in like 3 parts then put those up here. We are still trying.
Hope to see you all tonight!
4 years ago
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