Hey there guys! I hope you guys had a great time last night. The games we played were really fun I am glad no one got hurt :) (Parents are going to read this and wonder what game we played)
Anyways, I am glad that alot of you got challenged last night, and I got to talk with some of you last night about specific things that you can do when things start closing in around you! Please remember that when you close your eyes your eyes can be opened!
Take time to pray and take a stand for your spiritual life and the real life battle this going on all the time. Also if you haven't read the rest of the story in 2 Kings chapter 6. Do it! Go and read what happens to the army that surrounded Elisha and his servant its a pretty awesome story!
Here is the Outline from last night in case you missed it!
3 O.T. Laws
1. Civil Law
2. Ceremonial Law
3. Moral Law
** 2 Kings 6:8 - 23
"Your greatest opposition can be your greatest opportunity"
1. Pray that God opens your eyes to the way He wants you to see this World
2. Pray for others eyes to be opened so you can battle together
3. Be obedient to what it says in Scripture
This is the condensed version, we are still trying to get things posted on here but its really hard because the messages take so much memory and the blogspot doesn't support that large of a file! So I am going to begin working with our IT men here at the church to see if we can do anything about it.
Please remember to checking on here daily! There should be a lot more pictures going up here soon!
Have an amazing day!
4 years ago
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