Ohh man so this morning as I was driving by northridge I saw a bunch of cars there, and remembered ohh man this is the 1st day of school. Its kinda cool because this is a fresh start to your whole year. For Seniors this is your last 1st day of high school, for Freshmen this is your new beginning. A brand new start in a brand new school. Make the most of it! For all of those in the middle keep pushing through because soon enough you will be walking across grabbing a diploma and thinking holy cow I remember just beginning.
What is this year going to bring for you guys? Is this year going to be the year you finally get over those bumps and really get moving on things you have always wanted to do? Or is this year going to be the year you try something new like a play or a musical, or try out for a team, or make new friends at lunch?
What is this year going to be with you and God? Is it going to be the year where you start talking to God more and more, or are you going to start talking to him less and less? Are you going to stand up this year for what is right or are you just going to turn a blind eye to it? This year can be something amazing or it can be just another year.
What are you going to make it?
Come Sunday to hear some cool new changes we are making to the youth group. I will be giving a "state of the youth group" Address at the Sunday morning Next class!
Have a great 1st day of school!
4 years ago
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