Last night was awesome!
So many of you came out to help the hungry in our community and that was great! You guys rocked it out majorly! I am still blown away each time we send you out what you bring back and what video's you bring back :)
You guys stinking Rock!
I am so glad that we had some new faces here last night, and ones we haven't seen in a long time!
I am trying to get some video's up on here to show, but they are on Facebook so go an see them on there. They are on my profile, and they will soon be up on the CVMC facebook group! So you could check them out there as well :)
Keep up the awesome work ladies and gentlemen.
Also just a few reminders.
1) This coming Sunday we still have next class for Junior High and High School in the morning. So come and be prepared to have some good dialouge. Senior High especially be there because we are going to talking about what we are studying and I want your idea's on what you would want to study.
2) The Student Auction is coming up and we are still in need of people donating items. So please if you can donate items please donate. If you have any questions about the Auction please let me know! Email me at
3) This coming Wednesday we start a brand new series called Anger, we are going to be looking at why we get Angry, How can we deal with Anger, and what does the Bible say about Anger!
We will have games, and worship, and Small Groups next week so come ready to Rock and Roll my friends!
Again Great Job last night everyone who collected cans!
4 years ago
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