Monday, August 31, 2009

Anger series

Hey there everyone!

This week we are going to be starting a new series called "Anger"

We are going to be digging in and seeing what God says about anger and what we can do when we are angry. Everyone is going to be angry at some point, so how do we deal with a very natural emotion?

With so many people getting hurt, and so many relationships ruined by anger I think we need to explore this topic and really try to understand anger.

So come this Wednesday for our kick-off of the Anger series. Also this will be the first "official" school kick-off. We wont do a meal or anything until the September 20th kick off with the whole church! So get pumped.

Anyways please try to make it to the next 4 weeks because all the messages will build on one another. Also bring a bible to each one of these nights because we are going to be jumping all over the Bible to see what God says about Anger and how we were created!

Hope you guys have a great day!

Here is a devotion for your day.

But he did not know that the LORD had left him. (Judges 16:20)

One afternoon I was in an intense meditation session on my couch. OK, I'll be honest- I was dozing off for a nap. With the tunes and television off, the entire house was quiet as a mouse. I heard a click, and suddenly my surroundings went dead, as if something alive had departed. Actually my feeling was right, because the electricity had gone off! I had forgotten that my refrigerator gives out a low hum that you can barely hear. I had grown so familiar to it that I had lost my awareness of it- until it was gone.

There are many Christians that are starting to 'doze off' in their spiritual lives. They have grown so familiar to God's abiding presence that they take for granted the dynamic difference He is making in their lives. Perhaps they are spiritually sleepy because they have been believers for a while, and without the excitement there is no commitment. Or maybe their relationship with Christ was like a summer romance, and when the fun times left the building- their dedication followed right behind.

Today's verse is describing the condition of a man who is listed as a 'hero' of the faith in Hebrews 11. He was an amazing warrior for God and a champion for Israel. His name was Samson, a man who lived most of his life fueled by a fantastic faith. However, at one point in his life, he got spiritually sleepy- and it cost him dearly. He broke a promise that he had made to God, so God broke off the relationship that he had given to Samson. Did Samson even know it? Evidently not, at least until his superhuman strength turned into pathetic powerlessness.

While we are in no danger of losing the presence of God in our lives, there is definitely a daily risk of extinguishing the fire of the Holy Spirit's power through our spiritual sleepiness. He did not choose to take up residence in your life to make you feel warm and fuzzy, He resides within you to rock your world for the Kingdom. One of the best ways you can keep wakeful in your walk is to share the gospel early and often.

Wake up believers! Stay alert to the astonishing actions that God takes in our otherwise meaningless lives. Cherish the captivating care that God graciously grants to us. Don't turn into a semi-conscious sleepy saint, or you may wake up one day to a dead spiritual house.


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