Today was one of those days where my mind is drained and my brain is mush. But the issue is I am speaking 4 times next week, running youth group, and setting up countless meetings to prep for tons of upcoming events! And as I sit back and I look at what my life is comprised of, I smile because I know for a lot of our students here at cvmc we are a part of their story.
See your story is so key in your life! As I prep for one of my speaking engagements I am looking back over my story and I have had some major highs and some major lows. So low that they cause my to honestly stop whatever I am doing and just think back to those points and just ask why! Why did I do that? Then I think to those highs and I honestly just smile.
Guys you are writing a beautiful story with Jesus Christ every single day! You will have to look back one day and I want the times where you can just smile and be so incredibly happy where your life has taken you, but I also want you to look at those low times and say to yourself. Yeah they were low, but I grew so much in those times with my God that they turned into good times.
Don't let your story be someone else's. So many times we say we want to be like this person or that person. God has created each and everything single one of you for a specific purpose.
Check out Ephesians 2:10
There is a song by Mainstay called "becoming who you are" and there is a line in there that says
"I am chasing all the wrong things, but now I am chasing you"
I feel that in our youth group we sometimes chase the wrong things, guys let me tell you I am the first to admit that I chase the wrong things too, but I want to encourage you to chase after God and what He has for you!
So I say all this tonight because the next days I will be out of town so I will see you all Sunday Morning!
4 years ago